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eur  -  7,50/1Unit

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Curative properties: Because of its characteristics acacia honey is one of the most valued type of honey. It helps with insomnia, calms over stimulated nervous system and eliminates the effects of accumulated stress. It is particularly effective for infants and young children. It is effective for the treatment of heart and cardiovascular diseases as well as diseases of the respiratory tract.

Recommended use: It is recommended taking with tea of chamomile, beacuse it enhances the activity of honey and tea. It is also recommended to take during the evening before bedtime.

Storage: In a cool dry place.

We speak:


The offer of honey and bee products in this catalogue is the result of the work of perfect bees and hard work of Čajko family. This magical gift of nature is collected on the golden fields of Slavonia, its hills and spacious forests.

The purpose of our diversity offer is to give you a spoon of health every day. To acquire habits that can improve quality of life and explore all the healing properties of this “golden balm”.

The secret of production of real natural honey, bees carry in their bodies and organs of digestion that the product is converted into honey almost irreplaceable in human diet.

There is no bees in the world that produces bad honey, bad honey is result during the industrial filling of honey or bad negligent and ignorant beekeepers.....

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